What is a Comprehensive Health Analysis?
The Asyra Pro will indoicate the energetic state of internal organs, emotional stressors, hormonal balance, nutritional needs, environmental sensitivities, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food allergies or intolerances, and so mcuh more!
You will discover why you feel the way you do, and you will also discover the best ways to resolve your issues or imbalances.
Check out some common health issues that can be resolves through bioenergetic testing...
✔Digestive Problems
e.g. constipation, bloating, IBS
✔ Overweight or underweight; difficulty losing weight
✔ Headaches and migraines
✔Persistent tiredness and lack of energy
✔ Joint aches and arthritis
✔Cardiovascular illness
e.g. high blood pressure
✔ Mood swings, depression and lack of motivation
✔ Frequent colds and infections
✔ Skin problems
e.g. acne, eczema, dry flaky skin
✔ Thrush and candidiasis
✔ Food sensitivities and adverse reactions
✔ Hormonal Imbalances

How Does It Work?
The basic protocol consists of an energetic assessment of our major organs and systems. The advanced testing machine painlessly ‘pings’ the body with known frequencies of 1000’s of nutritional factors, pathogens as parasites, fungi and bacteria, cell salts, homeopathic remedies, herbs and more. Disturbances and dis-resonances are picked up on all levels, structural, biochemical, energetic and emotional. The Asyra then searches through its database, finds what it needs to restore the waveforms so that resonance occurs and reports back on your health status, in order of importance. It stops the ‘wobble’ so that our energies can be used more effectively!
The Comprehensive Health Analysis Involves The Following Tests:
✔ Food sensitivity and intolerance
✔ Allergy sensitivity profile
✔ Hormone profile
✔ GI food panel
✔ Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids
✔ Virus and bacterial profile
✔ Emotional stressors
✔ Dental resonance profile
✔ Toxic stressors
✔ Environmental sensitivity list
✔ Metabolic digestive profile
✔ Miasm influence
✔ Neurotransmitter profile
✔ Vertebrae profile
✔ Degenerative disturbance
✔ EFT profile
✔ TMJ stressors
✔ Pharmaceutical categories
✔ Constitutional influence
✔ Five elements
✔ Autism panel
You Will Receive...
Once your Full Body Comprehensive Test has been completed, using your hair sample, you will receive:
✔ A Full Report and clear explanations of your results
This will identify the food/s you would be best avoiding, vitamins and/or mineral deficiencies you have and any other imbalances within your body
✔ A detailed Personal Health Plan
This will identify what your body needs and steps to follow to help you on a healthy, happy wellness journey.
✔ Homeopathic Remedy
A specific prepared Homeopathic Remedy will be sent in the post to you.
As your body will be constantly changing, it is highly recommended to get re-tested regularly every 1-2 months
How to get started
To get started, simply Add to Cart your choice of either a Food Intolerance Test, or a Comprehensive Health Analysis.
Once your payment has been processed, please post 2-3 stands of hair, along with your name in block capitals, date of birth and gender. You can place your hair sample in a small envelope, fold of paper, snap bag, money bag, etc. Or you can request a sample bag to be posted to you if you prefer (just drop me a message).
Please send your sample to:
Ben Malton PT
The Gym Group
Portland Street
Bank House
(2nd Floor)
Faulkner Street
M1 4EH
Please NEVER send cash by post
Payment can be made using the payment links above
If you are a member of The Gym Group on Portland Street, or you are local to Manchester Deansgate, you are welcome to contact me direct to arrange to drop off your hair sample to me in person (and payment if you prefer).
You will receive your report typially within 1-2 weeks from when I receive your sample.
I will contact you directly once I have your results, and email you your reports.
Any questions please get in touch...
Are you a member of The Gym Group Portland Street?
When I am in the gym, I will often start and finish my sessions on the hour by the lockers near the gym entrance. Here you can hand me your hair/nail sample and payment or ask a quick question, although I strongly recommend dropping me a quick email or text to see when I will be available.