Obesity & Diabetes Specialist
I have been a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Specialist for over 16 years, specialising in helping people effectively lose weight and become healthier. I have also been a Level 4 Obesity & Diabetes Specialist (Level 4 Exercise and Nutrition Interventions for Obesity & Diabetes) for over 7 years, helping people all over the Manchester area, and remotely all over the UK manage their obesity and diabetes.
This also includes GP Exercise Referral, which means your doctor can refer you on to me to help manage your obesity and/or diabetes from a nutrition and fitness point of view (I would also be able to liaise with your doctor on your progress if you wished me to aswell, which is optional) (Please note my services are a private service, and not funded through NHS). You don't need to come and see me through your GP, you can also simply come to me through your own choice too.
It's important to understand a bit more about the absolute basics of obesity and diabetes, as so many people I have helped have been left with very little information about their condition, with those experiencing obesity becoming more and more overweight and less healthy, and those with diabetes becoming more and more unhealthy by making very poor food & drink choices based on their condition. And most of it comes from a lack of education on the subject.
Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin Dependent Diabetes

According to a study in 2009, Type 1 diabetes affects around 5-10% of all diabetes cases in Europe and North America. It's characterised by the functional loss of insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas, which leads to a deficiency of the hormone insulin. Insulin is vital in controlling blood glucose (sugar) levels, so a deficiency in insulin leads to hyperglycaemia or elevated blood sugar.
In some Type 1 cases, some insulin can still be produced, but only around 15% or more of normal levels.
It's not known exactly why, but the majority of Type 1 cases are caused by the body launching an immune system attack upon itself which destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. With so little insulin being produced, the main method for treating this condition is with the injection of artificial insulin.
Most type 1 diabetes tend to be relatively slim, as most tend to struggle to store body fat. However without the correct balance of administering insulin, weight gain can indeed occur. Most type 1 diabetics develop this condition very early on in life.
Treatment / Type 1 Management
There are two types of insulin which are injected directly into the blood stream, which are immediate insulin and long-lasting insulin. Oral options are less effective at managing blood sugar and insulin levels compared to injection.
Type 2 Diabetes
Insulin Resistance

Type 2 diabetes also involves elevated blood glucose levels or hyperglycaemia, however, is quite different to type 1 diabetes.
In type 2, the cells of the body become resistant to insulin, as a result of a person consuming far too many refined carbohydrates and processed sugars. The body ends up producing so much insulin, the cells start to no longer recognise insulin for what it is and build up a resistance to the insulin hormone.
Type 2 diabetes almost always continue to have the ability to produce insulin from the pancreas, as the body is not having an immune attack response against the beta cells, however the pancreas does get worn down by the ever-increasing demand for insulin, and over time can result in some insulin deficiency. Over time both insulin resistance and insulin deficiency both become a concerning problem.
Type 2 diabetes usually develops their condition mid-life, with a dramatically increasing number of cases occurring in those in as early as their 20's.
It's common for Type 2 diabetics to be overweight with excess body fat. Around 85% of diabetics are living with Type 2 diabetes.
Treatment / Type 2 Management
Lifestyle and activity adjustments are needed for those with Type 2. You can be treated with metformin and monitored for its effectiveness, however if your HbA1c remains above 6.5% then sulphonylurea is added to the treatment. If your HbA1c remains above 7.5% then triazolidinedione or insulin is added to the treatment. This is a brief treatment/management summary as each individual will be different.
As a general rule, diet can reduce HbA1c by around 0.4% for 5kg decreased over a year period. The most effective weight reduction protocol occurs when following a low carbohydrate diet. Low carbohydrate diets have the greatest influence on lowing HbA1c and improve blood lipid parameters, such as HDL cholesterol and total cholesterol, compared to high carbohydrate, low fat diets.
Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Obesity, is where an individual is chronically recognised as having central obesity (raised waist circumference and having 2 or more of the following factors:
Raised triglycerides
Reduced high densitty lipoproteins (HDL)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Impaired plasma glucose (IFG, IGT, Type 2 diabetes)
Raised triglycerides are typically above 1.7 mmol/L (150mg/dL) or currently under treatment for this.
Reduced HDL cholesterol of less than 1.03 mmol/L (40mg/dL) in males, or less than 1.29 mmol/L (50mg/dL) in females, or currently under treatment for this.
Raised blood pressure with a systolic blood pressure of above 130 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of above 85 mmHg, or currently under treatment for this.
Raised fasting plasma glucose levels are above 5.6 mmol/L (100mg/dL) or previously diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes.
I will be able to measure your body composition by using body composition scales and/or by using skin callipers to determine your body composition and show you exactly where you are now compared to where you should be. I will take these measurements every week, so you can stay on track and know which direction you are heading at all times.